Maintaining productivity while working from home


3 min read

Maintaining productivity while working from home

It's been almost two years since the start of the pandemic. The way we, as a society see work has greatly changed. A lot of companies transitioned from working out of the office into working from home. Even though things are kinda back to normal, a lot of companies have fully adopted this new way of working.

Not everyone is a fan of WFH though. Some have argued that working from home negatively affects productivity, seeing as it can be very easy to be distracted, unmotivated to work. This can be because home is a place of comfort. Working from your place of comfort can be quite tricky.

I am probably the most indoor indoor person. I love the idea of working from home. It fits perfectly with my personality type.

How to work from home, remain sane, and be productive, all at the same time? I have a few helpful pointers that have worked for me.

What type of day person are you?

When working from home, it is very important you know the time of day you're most productive. While I am a morning/day person - I do all my work during the day because my body literally shuts down once it's night, some others are night owls - they do their best work when the rest of the world is asleep. Seeing that working from home gives you a bit of flexibility on time, find out when you're most productive, and try to work around that time.

Plan your day ahead

Have a big meeting later in the day? Is a deliverable due by EOD? List all you have to do for the day. Start with the priorities and go down your list. This greatly helps in keeping things organized. You'll be able to see everything you have to do all in one place and easily track your progress. You also won't forget things you should be doing.

Have a workspace

Have a dedicated workspace. You need to be able to "trick" your mind into separating work time from every other time, even though you're still home. A place where you do only work stuff in. Over time, your brain becomes conditioned into entering work mode once you're in that space, as your brain associates that space to work. It should be a comfortable space, as you will be spending long hours in it.

Have a routine

Wake up at the same time every day. Do the same thing immediately after you get up from bed. Have your breakfast at the same time every day. Start work at the same time every day. Take a break from work at the same time every day. Stop work at the same time every day. Ok, I think you get the point. This helps in forming good daily habits. Having a routine could also help in better managing stress and anxiety.

Get active

Go for a run, take a walk around the house/down the street, do some yoga, dance to your favorite playlist...anything to get your blood pumping. Sitting in one spot for a prolonged time takes a toll on the mind and the body. You could become prone to sickness. You could also pack on some pounds due to the lack of activity (lol, I know I did ๐Ÿ˜…)

Take a break.

Take a quick break, if you feel stressed, unproductive, unable to focus on work, or just for the heck of it. Do something unrelated to work. Watch tv, catch up with your loved ones. This takes your mind off work for a bit and you're able to get back to work with a fresh mind.

Maintaining productivity while working from home is attainable. The above has made working from home a lot easier for me, hopefully, they help you too
